Bảng động từ bất qui tắc trong Tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất năm 2021 – Tài liệu Tiếng Anh tổng hợp đầy đủ các động từ bất qui tắc trong Tiếng Anh chi tiết động từ nguyên thể, quá khứ đơn, quá khứ phân từ và ý nghĩa.-Bảng động từ bất qui tắc trong Tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất năm 2021
Bảng động từ bất qui tắc trong Tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất năm 2021
Bảng động từ bất qui tắc trong Tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất năm 2021
Bảng dưới đây sẽ liệt kê gần 480 động từ bất qui tắc thông dụng trong tiếng Anh. Trong bảng này, mình sơ lược qua về 3 dạng của động từ bất qui tắc, đó là: Động từ nguyên thể; Quá khứ đơn; Quá khứ phân từ. Để tìm hiểu ý nghĩa cũng như cách chia của động từ bất qui tắc với Ngôi thứ ba số ít; Dạng V-ing, cũng như các động từ bất qui tắc khác có cùng cách biến đổi tương tự với động từ bất qui tắc đó, mời bạn click chuột vào động từ bất qui tắc trong cột Động từ nguyên thể.
Để tìm ra động từ bất qui tắc mà bạn muốn tìm một cách nhanh nhất, bạn có thể sử dụng một trong hai cách:
Cách 1: Sử dụng menu bên trái: Click chuột vào bất kỳ chữ cái nào sẽ đưa bạn đến với nhóm động từ bất qui tắc có chữ cái đầu tiên tương ứng.
Cách 2: Sử dụng tiện ích của trình duyệt: nhấn CTRL + F, trình duyệt sẽ mở một hộp thoại tìm kiếm và bạn chỉ việc gõ đúng động từ bất qui tắc cần tìm vào là được.
Động từ nguyên thể | Quá khứ đơn | Quá khứ phân từ |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ A | ||
Abide | Abode/Abided | Abode/Abided/Abiden |
Alight | Alit/Alighted | Alit/Alighted |
Arise | Arose | Arisen |
Awake | Awoke | Awoken |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ B | ||
Backbite | Backbit | Backbitten |
Backslide | Backslid | Backslidden/Backslid |
Be | Was/Were | Been |
Bear | Bore | Born/Borne |
Beat | Beat | Beaten |
Become | Became | Become |
Befall | Befell | Befallen |
Beget | Begat/Begot | Begotten |
Begin | Began | Begun |
Behold | Beheld | Beheld |
Bend | Bent | Bent |
Bereave | Bereaved/Bereft | Bereaved/Bereft |
Beseech | Besought/Beseeched | Besought/Beseeched |
Beset | Beset | Beset |
Bestrew | Bestrewed | Bestrewn/Bestrewed |
Bet | Bet | Bet |
Betake | Betook | Betaken |
Bethink | Bethought | Bethought |
Bid | Bid/Bade | Bid/Bidden |
Bind | Bound | Bound |
Bite | Bit | Bitten |
Bleed | Bled | Bled |
Blow | Blew | Blown |
Break | Broke | Broken |
Breed | Bred | Bred |
Bring | Brought | Brought |
Broadcast | Broadcast/Broadcasted | Broadcast/Broadcasted |
Browbeat | Browbeat | Browbeaten/Browbeat |
Build | Built | Built |
Burn | Burnt/Burned | Burnt/Burned |
Burst | Burst | Burst |
Bust | Bust | Bust |
Buy | Bought | Bought |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ C | ||
Cast | Cast | Cast |
Catch | Caught | Caught |
Chide | Chided/Chid | Chided/Chidden |
Choose | Chose | Chosen |
Clap | Clapped/Clapt | Clapped/Clapt |
Cling | Clung | Clung |
Clothe | Clad/Clothed | Clad/Clothed |
Colorbreed | Colorbred | Colorbred |
Come | Came | Come |
Cost | Cost | Cost |
Creep | Crept | Crept |
Crossbreed | Crossbred | Crossbred |
Cut | Cut | Cut |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ D | ||
Dare | Dared/Durst | Dared/Durst |
Daydream | Daydreamed/Daydreamt | Daydreamed/Daydreamt |
Deal | Dealt | Dealt |
Dig | Dug | Dug |
Dight | Dighted/Dight | Dighted/Dight |
Disprove | Disproved | Disproved/Disproven |
Dive | Dived/Dove | Dived |
Do | Did | Done |
Draw | Drew | Drawn |
Dream | Dreamt/Dreamed | Dreamt/Dreamed |
Drink | Drank | Drunk |
Drive | Drove | Driven |
Dwell | Dwelt | Dwelt |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ E | ||
Eat | Ate | Eaten |
Enwind | Enwound | Enwound |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ F | ||
Fall | Fell | Fallen |
Feed | Fed | Fed |
Feel | Felt | Felt |
Fight | Fought | Fought |
Find | Found | Found |
Fit | Fit/Fitted | Fit/Fitted |
Flee | Fled | Fled |
Fling | Flung | Flung |
Fly | Flew | Flown |
Forbear | Forbore | Forborne |
Forbid | Forbade/Forbad | Forbidden |
Fordo | Fordid | Fordone |
Forecast | Forecast/Forecasted | Forecast/Forecasted |
Forego | Forewent | Foregone |
Foreknow | Foreknew | Foreknown |
Forerun | Foresaw | Foreseen |
Foresee | Foresaw | Foreseen |
Foreshow | Foreshowed | Foreshown/Foreshowed |
Forespeak | Foreshowed | Foreshown/Foreshowed |
Foretell | Foretold | Foretold |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven |
Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken |
Forswear | Forswore | Forsworn |
Fraught | Fraught | Fraught |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen |
Frostbite | Frostbit | Frostbitten |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ G | ||
Gainsay | Gainsaid | Gainsaid |
Get | Fot | Got/Gotten |
Gild | Gilded/Gilt | Gilded/Gilt |
Give | Gave | Given |
Go | Went | Gone |
Grind | Ground | Ground |
Grow | Grew | Grown |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ H | ||
Hagride | Hagrode | Hagridden |
Halterbreak | Halterbroke | Halterbroken |
Hamstring | Hamstrung | Hamstrung |
Hand-feed | Hand-fed | Hand-fed |
Handwrite | Handwrote | Handwritten |
Hang | Hung/Hanged | Hung/Hanged |
Have | Had | Had |
Hear | Heard | Heard |
Heave | Heaved/Hove | Heaved/Hove |
Hew | Hewed | Hewn/Hewed |
Hide | Hid | Hidden |
Hit | Hit | Hit |
Hold | Held | Held |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ I | ||
Inbreed | Inbred | Inbred |
Inlay | Inlaid | Inlaid |
Input | Input/Inputted | Input/Inputted |
Inset | Inset | Inset |
Interbreed | Interbred | Interbred |
Intercut | Intercut | Intercut |
Interlay | Interlaid | Interlaid |
Interset | Interset | Interset |
Interweave | Interwove/Interweaved | Interwove/Interweaved |
Interwind | Interwound | Interwound |
Inweave | Inwove/Inweaved | Inwoven/Inweaved |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ J | ||
Jerry-build | Jerry-built | Jerry-built |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ K | ||
Keep | Kept | Kept |
Kneel | Knelt/Kneeled | Knelt/Kneeled |
Knit | Knit/Knitted | Knit/Knitted |
Know | Knew | Known |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ L | ||
Lade | Laded | Laden/Laded |
Landslide | Landslid | Landslid |
Lay | Laid | Laid |
Lead | Led | Led |
Lean | Leant/Leaned | Leant/Leaned |
Leap | Leapt/Leaped | Leapt/Leaped |
Learn | Learned/Learnt | Learned/Learnt |
Leave | Left | Left |
Lend | Lent | Lent |
Let | Let | Let |
Lie | Lay | Lain |
Light | Lit | Lit |
Lip-read | Lip-read | Lip-read |
Lose | Lost | Lost |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ M | ||
Make | Made | Made |
Mean | Meant | Meant |
Meet | Met | Met |
Melt | Melted | Molten/Melted |
Misbecome | Misbecame | Misbecome |
Miscast | Miscast | Miscast |
Miscut | Miscut | Miscut |
Misdeal | Misdealt | Misdealt |
Misdo | Misdid | Misdone |
Mishear | Misheard | Misheard |
Mishit | Mishit | Mishit |
Mislay | Mislaid | Mislaid |
Mislead | Misled | Misled |
Mislearn | Mislearned/Mislearnt | Mislearned/Mislearnt |
Misread | Misread | Misread |
Missay | Missaid | Missaid |
Missend | Missent | Missent |
Misset | Misset | Misset |
Misspeak | Misspoke | Misspoken |
Misspell | Misspelled/Misspelt | Misspelled/Misspelt |
Misspend | Misspent | Misspent |
Misswear | Misswore | Missworn |
Mistake | Mistook | Mistaken |
Misteach | Mistaught | Mistaught |
Mistell | Mistold | Mistold |
Misthink | Misthought | Misthought |
Misunderstand | Misunderstood | Misunderstood |
Miswear | Miswore | Misworn |
Miswed | Miswed/Miswedded | Miswed/Miswedded |
Miswrite | Miswrote | Miswritten |
Mow | Mowed | Mown |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ O | ||
Offset | Offset | Offset |
Outbid | Outbid | Outbid |
Outbreed | Outbred | Outbred |
Outdo | Outdid | Outdone |
Outdraw | Outdrew | Outdrawn |
Outdrink | Outdrank | Outdrunk |
Outdrive | Outdrove | Outdriven |
Outfight | Outfought | Outfought |
Outfly | Outflew | Outflown |
Outgrow | Outgrew | Outgrown |
Outlay | Outlaid | Outlaid |
Outleap | Outleaped/Outleapt | Outleaped/Outleapt |
Outlie | Outlied | Outlied |
Output | Output/Outputted | Output/Outputted |
Outride | Outrode | Outridden |
Outrun | Outran | Outrun |
Outsee | Outsaw | Outseen |
Outsell | Outsold | Outsold |
Outshine | Outshined/Outshone | Outshined/Outshone |
Outshoot | Outshot | Outshot |
Outsing | Outsang | Outsung |
Outsit | Outsat | Outsat |
Outsleep | Outslept | Outslept |
Outsmell | Outsmelled/Outsmelt | Outsmelled/Outsmelt |
Outspeak | Outspoke | Outspoken |
Outspeed | Outsped | Outsped |
Outspend | Outspent | Outspent |
Outspin | Outspun | Outspun |
Outspring | Outsprang/Outsprung | Outsprang/Outsprung |
Outstand | Outstood | Outstood |
Outswear | Outswore | Outsworn |
Outswim | Outswam | Outswum |
Outtell | Outtold | Outtold |
Outthink | Outthought | Outthought |
Outthrow | Outthrew | Outthrown |
Outwear | Outwore | Outworn |
Outwind | Outwound | Outwound |
Outwrite | Outwrote | Outwritten |
Overbear | Overbore | Overborne/Overborn |
Overbid | Overbid | Overbid/Overbidden |
Overbreed | Overbred | Overbred |
Overbuild | Overbuilt | Overbuilt |
Overbuy | Overbought | Overbought |
Overcast | Overcast | Overcast |
Overcome | Overcame | Overcome |
Overcut | Overcut | Overcut |
Overdo | Overdid | Overdone |
Overdraw | Overdrew | Overdrawn |
Overdrink | Overdrank | Overdrunk |
Overeat | Overate | Overeaten |
Overfeed | Overfed | Overfed |
Overhang | Overhung | Overhung |
Overhear | Overheard | Overheard |
Overlay | Overlaid | Overlaid |
Overleap | Overleaped/Overleapt | Overleaped/Overleapt |
Overlie | Overlay | Overlain |
Overpay | Overpaid | Overpaid |
Override | Overrode | Overridden |
Overrun | Overran | Overrun |
Oversee | Oversaw | Overseen |
Oversell | Oversold | Oversold |
Overset | Overset | Overset |
Oversew | Oversewed | Oversewn/Oversewed |
Overshoot | Overshot | Overshot |
Oversleep | Overslept | Overslept |
Oversow | Oversowed | Oversown/Oversowed |
Overspeak | Overspoke | Overspoken |
Overspend | Overspent | Overspent |
Overspill | Overspilled/Overspilt | Overspilled/Overspilt |
Overspread | Overspread | Overspread |
Overspring | Oversprang/Oversprung | Oversprung |
Overstand | Overstood | Overstood |
Overstrew | Overstrewed | Overstrewn/Overstrewed |
Overstride | Overstrode | Overstridden |
Overstrike | Overstruck | Overstruck |
Overtake | Overtook | Overtaken |
Overthink | Overthought | Overthought |
Overthrow | Overthrew | Overthrown |
Overwear | Overwore | Overworn |
Overwind | Overwound | Overwound |
Overwrite | Overwrote | Overwritten |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ P | ||
Partake | Partook | Partaken |
Pay | Paid | Paid |
Plead | Pleaded/Pled | Pleaded/Pled |
Prebuild | Prebuilt | Prebuilt |
Premake | Premade | Premade |
Prepay | Prepaid | Prepaid |
Presell | Presold | Presold |
Preset | Preset | Preset |
Preshrink | Preshrank | Preshrunk |
Presplit | Presplit | Presplit |
Proofread | Proofread | Proofread |
Prove | Proved | Proven/Proved |
Put | Put | Put |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ Q | ||
Quick-freeze | Quick-froze | Quick-frozen |
Quit | Quit | Quit |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ R | ||
Re-prove | Re-proved | Re-proven/Re-proved |
Read | Read | Read |
Reawake | Reawoke | Reawaken |
Rebid | Rebid | Rebid |
Rebind | Rebound | Rebound |
Rebroadcast | Rebroadcast/Rebroadcasted | Rebroadcast/Rebroadcasted |
Rebuild | Rebuilt | Rebuilt |
Recast | Recast | Recast |
Recut | Recut | Recut |
Redeal | Redealt | Redealt |
Redo | Redid | Redone |
Redraw | Redrew | Redrawn |
Reeve | Reeved/Rove | Reeved/Rove |
Refit | Refit/Refitted | Refit/Refitted |
Regrind | Reground | Reground |
Regrow | Regrew | Regrown |
Rehang | Rehung | Rehung |
Rehear | Reheard | Reheard |
Reknit | Reknitted/Reknit | Reknitted/Reknit |
Relay | Relaid | Relaid |
Relearn | Relearned/Relearnt | Relearned/Relearnt |
Relight | Relit/Relighted | Relit/Relighted |
Remake | Remade | Remade |
Rend | Rent/Rended | Rent/Rended |
Repay | Repaid | Repaid |
Reread | Reread | Reread |
Rerun | Reran | Rerun |
Resell | Resold | Resold |
Resend | Resent | Resent |
Reset | Reset | Reset |
Resew | Resewed | Resewn/Resewed |
Retake | Retook | Retaken |
Reteach | Retaught | Retaught |
Retear | Retore | Retorn |
Retell | Retold | Retold |
Rethink | Rethought | Rethought |
Retread | Retread | Retread |
Retrofit | Retrofitted/Retrofit | Retrofitted/Retrofit |
Rewake | Rewoke/Rewaked | Rewaken/Rewaked |
Rewear | Rewore | Reworn |
Reweave | Rewove/Reweaved | Rewoven/Reweaved |
Rewed | Rewed/Rewedded | Rewed/Rewedded |
Rewet | Rewet/Rewetted | Rewet/Rewetted |
Rewin | Rewon | Rewon |
Rewind | Rewound | Rewound |
Rewrite | Rewrote | Rewritten |
Rid | Rid/Ridded | Rid/Ridded |
Ride | Rode | Ridden |
Ring | Rang | Rung |
Rise | Rose | Risen |
Rive | Rived | Riven/Rived |
Roughcast | Roughcast | Roughcast |
Run | Ran | Run |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ S | ||
Sand-cast | Sand-cast | Sand-cast |
Saw | Sawed | Sawed/Sawn |
Say | Said | Said |
See | Saw | Seen |
Seek | Sought | Sought |
Self-feed | Self-fed | Self-fed |
Self-sow | Self-sowed | Self-sown/Self-sowed |
Sell | Sold | Sold |
Send | Sent | Sent |
Set | Set | Set |
Sew | Sewed | Sewn/Sewed |
Shake | Shook | Shaken |
Shave | Shaved | Shaved/Shaven |
Shear | Shore/Sheared | Shorn/Sheared |
Shed | Shed | Shed |
Shine | Shone | Shone |
Shit | Shit/Shat/Shitted | Shit/Shat/Shitted |
Shoe | Shod | Shod |
Shoot | Shot | Shot |
Show | Showed | Shown |
Shrink | Shrank | Shrunk |
Shrive | Shrived/Shrove | Shriven |
Shut | Shut | Shut |
Sight-read | Sight-read | Sight-read |
Sing | Sang | Sung |
Sink | Sank | Sunk |
Sit | Sat | Sat |
Skywrite | Skywrote | Skywritten |
Slay | Slew | Slain |
Sleep | Slept | Slept |
Slide | Slid | Slid |
Sling | Slung | Slung |
Slink | Slunk | Slunk |
Slit | Slit | Slit |
Smell | Smelled/Smelt | Smelled/Smelt |
Smite | Smote | Smitten/Smote |
Sneak | Sneaked/Snuck | Sneaked/Snuck |
Soothsay | Soothsaid | Soothsaid |
Sow | Sowed | Sown |
Speak | Spoke | Spoken |
Speed | Sped/Speeded | Sped/Speeded |
Spell | Spelled/Spelt | Spelled/Spelt |
Spend | Spent | Spent |
Spill | Spilled/Spilt | Spilled/Spilt |
Spin | Spun/Span | Spun |
Spit | Spit/Spat | Spit/Spat |
Split | Split | Split |
Spoil | Spoiled/Spoilt | Spoiled/Spoilt |
Spoon-feed | Spoon-fed | Spoon-fed |
Spread | Spread | Spread |
Spring | Sprang | Sprung |
Stall-feed | Stall-fed | Stall-fed |
Stand | Stood | Stood |
Stave | Staved/Stove | Staved/Stove |
Steal | Stole | Stolen |
Stick | Stuck | Stuck |
Sting | Stung | Stung |
Stink | Stank | Stunk |
Strew | Strewed | Strewn/Strewed |
Stride | Strode | Stridden |
Strike | Struck | Stricken |
String | Strung | Strung |
Strip | Stripped/Stript | Stripped/Stript |
Strive | Strove | Striven |
Sublet | Sublet | Sublet |
Sunburn | Sunburned/Sunburnt | Sunburned/Sunburnt |
Swear | Swore | Sworn |
Sweat | Sweat/Sweated | Sweat/Sweated |
Sweep | Swept/Sweeped | Swept/Sweeped |
Swell | Swelled | Swollen |
Swim | Swam | Swum |
Swing | Swung | Swung |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ T | ||
Take | Took | Taken |
Teach | Taught | Taught |
Tear | Tore | Torn |
Telecast | Telecast | Telecast |
Tell | Told | Told |
Test-drive | Test-drove | Test-driven |
Test-fly | Test-flew | Test-flown |
Think | Thought | Thought |
Thrive | Thrived/Throve | Thrived/Thriven |
Throw | Threw | Thrown |
Thrust | Thrust | Thrust |
Tread | Trod | Trodden |
Troubleshoot | Troubleshot | Troubleshot |
Typecast | Typecast | Typecast |
Typeset | Typeset | Typeset |
Typewrite | Typewrote | Typewritten |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ U | ||
Unbear | Unbore | Unborn/Unborne |
Unbend | Unbent | Unbent |
Unbind | Unbound | Unbound |
Unbuild | Unbuilt | Unbuilt |
Unclothe | Unclothed/Unclad | Unclothed/Unclad |
Underbid | Underbid | Underbid |
Underbuy | Underbought | Underbought |
Undercut | Undercut | Undercut |
Underfeed | Underfed | Underfed |
Undergo | Underwent | Undergone |
Underlay | Underlaid | Underlaid |
Underlet | Underlet | Underlet |
Underlie | Underlay | Underlain |
Underrun | Underran | Underrun |
Undersell | Undersold | Undersold |
Undershoot | Undershot | Undershot |
Underspend | Underspent | Underspent |
Understand | Understood | Understood |
Undertake | Undertook | Undertaken |
Underwrite | Underwrote | Underwritten |
Undo | Undid | Undone |
Undraw | Undrew | Undrawn |
Unfreeze | Unfroze | Unfrozen |
Unhang | Unhung | Unhung |
Unhide | Unhid | Unhidden |
Unhold | Unheld | Unheld |
Unknit | Unknitted/Unknit | Unknitted/Unknit |
Unlade | Unladed | Unladen/Unladed |
Unlay | Unlaid | Unlaid |
Unlead | Unleaded | Unleaded |
Unlearn | Unlearned/Unlearnt | Unlearned/Unlearnt |
Unmake | Unmade | Unmade |
Unreeve | Unreeved/Unrove | Unreeved/Unrove |
Unsay | Unsaid | Unsaid |
Unsew | Unsewed | Unsewn/Unsewed |
Unsling | Unslung | Unslung |
Unspin | Unspun | Unspun |
Unstick | Unstuck | Unstuck |
Unstring | Unstrung | Unstrung |
Unswear | Unswore | Unsworn |
Unteach | Untaught | Untaught |
Unthink | Unthought | Unthought |
Unweave | Unwove/Unweaved | Unwoven/Unweaved |
Unwind | Unwound | Unwound |
Unwrite | Unwrote | Unwritten |
Uphold | Upheld | Upheld |
Upsell | Upsold | Upsold |
Upset | Upset | Upset |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ V | ||
Vex | Vexed/Vext | Vexed/Vext |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ W | ||
Wake | Woke | Woken |
Waylay | Waylaid | Waylaid |
Wear | Wore | Worn |
Weave | Wove | Woven |
Wed | Wed/Wedded | Wed/Wedded |
Weep | Wept | Wept |
Wend | Wended/Went | Wended/Went |
Wet | Wet/Wetted | Wet/Wetted |
Win | Won | Won |
Wind | Wound | Wound |
Withdraw | Withdrew | Withdrawn |
Withhold | Withheld | Withheld |
Withstand | Withstood | Withstood |
Wring | Wrung | Wrung |
Write | Wrote | Written |
Động từ bất qui tắc bắt đầu bằng chữ Z | ||
Zinc | Zinced/Zincked | Zinced/Zincked |
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Nội dung được phát triển bởi đội ngũ Meraki Center với mục đích chia sẻ và tăng trải nghiệm khách hàng. Mọi ý kiến đóng góp xin vui lòng liên hệ tổng đài chăm sóc: 1900 0000 hoặc email: hotro@merakicenter.edu.vn