Dung môi Xylene công nghiệp là gì? Ứng dụng và cách sử dụng Xylene an toàn

Xylene is a commonly used solvent and has the largest consumption on the market today. Because they play an extremely important role in the chemical and manufacturing industries. So what are industrial Xylene solvents, are they as toxic as people often think when it comes to chemicals, and how are they specifically applied in different fields? The article below will help you answer all your questions about this chemical compound. Please follow along!

Isomers of xylene

Isomers of xylene

=>Learn about toluene solvent in industry

1. Overview of Xylene solvent

This solvent is also known as Xylene, this is an organic compound with the chemical formula C8H10. Xylene is a derivative of benzene and consists of three isomers of Dimethylbenzene. Xylene solvent is commonly used in manufacturing industries such as printing ink, house paint, wood paint, and glues.

Below is a table summarizing the outstanding properties of Xylene group compounds:

The table shows the isomers of the chemical xylene

Overview of the characteristics of xylene solvent

Common name





IUPAC nomenclature





Another name


o-Xylol; Octoxylene

m-Xylol; Methoxylene

p-Xylol; Paraxylene

Molecular formula


Molecular mass

106.17 units


Clear, colorless liquid

CAS number


Outstanding properties of xylene solvent

Density at 20°C

0.864 kg/l

0.876 kg/l

0.86 kg/l

0.857 kg/l

Density of vapor in air (l)


Exposure limits (ppm; hours)

100; 8


Insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, ether, vegetable oils and non-polar solvents


Moderate volatility, slightly solidifies at 0°C and 1 atm

Evaporation limit

Lower than 1.0% vol or higher than 6.0% vol

Melting temperature

-47.4 °C (226 K)

−25 °C (248 K)

−48 °C (225 K)

13.3 °C (286 K)

Boiling temperature

136.2 °C (412 K)

144.4 °C (417 K)

139 °C (412 K)

138.4 °C (411 K)


0.812 cP at 2000 °C

0.62 cP at 2000 °C

0.34 cP at 3000 °C

Dangerous levels of xylene solvent






EU classification

Harmful (Xn)

Flash point of closed cup

24 °C

17.2 °C

25 °C

25 °C

Self-ignition temperature


Explosive limit in air (% volume)

Above 0.99- Below 6.7

Above 1.1- Below 6.4

Above 1.1- Below 6.4

Above 1.1- Below 6.6

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2. How is Xylene solvent produced?

In nature, Xylene only exists in crude oil in varying concentrations, depending on the area where the oil is stored as well as the time the crude oil was formed and existed.

2.1. Content of aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum oils

% Volume


Louisiana Gulf

East Texas




Hydrocarbon C8







Hydrocarbons C6- C8







However, taking Xylene from nature does not bring high economic efficiency. In industry, Xylene is produced mainly from petroleum by a number of processes such as:

2.2. Pt, Re catalytic reforming process

  • Xylene is mainly extracted from the product of catalytic reforming, with the feedstock usually being the naphtha fraction.
  • Before being used, sulfur impurities must be removed from raw materials because sulfur will react with the two catalysts Pt and Re needed for the reforming process.
  • Naphtha obtained from the distillation of naphthenic oil is rich in naphthenes and is the best choice for the production of xylene from reforming. The obtained C8H10 efficiency also depends on the boiling temperature range of naphtha with the best temperature being from 106- 160oC.

2.3. Steam cracking or gasoline pyrolysis process

Pyrolysis gasoline contains quite a large amount of Xylene isomers, which depends on the input material source and gasoline pyrolysis conditions. Xylene produced from pyrolysis of gasoline is a byproduct produced from the preparation of ethylene and propylene. To increase the Xylene content, it is necessary to increase the temperature and increase the amount of steam supplied. However, this will greatly reduce the amount of pyrolysis gasoline obtained.

2.4. Cyclar process of hydrocarbon conversion

Catalytic conversion of propane and butane mixtures. The liquid composition accounts for 92% of the volume of BTX, 7-8% of aromatic hydrocarbons C9 and C10. The amount of C8H10 obtained is about 15% of the weight of the original material used for production.

In addition to oil, people can also use coal as a raw material to produce Xylene. Methylation of toluene and benzene converts paraffin in coal into dehydrocyclodimeriztion or aromatic compounds. This Coal Tar Carbonil process will produce C8H10.

3. Application of Xylene solvent in production and life

  • Paint production: Xylene solvent is used for glazing, for paints such as lacquer, ship paint, and protective paints.

Xylene is used to produce paint

Xylene is used to produce paint

  • Pesticide production: Used as a carrier in the production process.
  • Glue production: Used to produce rubber glue,…
  • As a solvent for preparation: In cases where slow drying is required, people use Xylene as a solvent to dilute paint and ink, replacing Toluene because Xylene has good solubility and its evaporation time is longer than Toluene.
  • Make detergent: Xylene is used to clean metal surfaces and semiconductor materials.
  • Plastic production: p-Xylene is the basic precursor of terephthalic acid and dimethyl terephthalate, both monomers used in the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles and polyester fabrics. 98% p-xylene and half Xylene mixture are used for this purpose. o-Xylene is an important precursor of phthalic anhydride.
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Plastic cups are made from Xylene

Plastic cups are made from Xylene

SEE MORE: Industrial solvents at Meraki Center

4. Is Xylene solvent dangerous?

  • Xylene is a flammable liquid, especially capable of forming explosive gas mixtures if stored in empty containers that contain many impurities and are not clean. In the air, Xylene vapor cannot be detected, but Xylene vapor may be present on the ground because it is heavier than air.
  • The process of pumping, pouring, and transporting Xylene can form electricity. Do not use compressed air to expel, load, unload or handle Xylene.
  • Effective with substances with strong oxidizing ability.
  • Xylene vapor is very dangerous, causing strong irritation to the skin and eyes. Inhaling Xylene vapor will cause serious damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system.
  • Xylene does pollute the environment.

5. Properly preserve and store Xylene solvent

  • Because Xylene solvent is a flammable liquid, when storing, containers must be absolutely away from sources of hot gas, fire, electricity, and areas with high temperatures above 50oC.
  • The warehouse must have a cool roof and temperature control devices; Ventilate or have a suitable ventilation system to avoid the risk of vapor compression. Smoking is not allowed in the warehouse.
  • Warehouses need to be equipped with fire and explosion suppression systems in accordance with regulations.
  • Keep out of reach of children and away from residential areas.
  • Containers must have tight lids.

6. Notes when working with Xylene solvent

Use protective clothing and equipment when exposed to Xylene:

  • Wear protective eyewear, a mask, and long gloves made of Nitrile rubber or PVC.
  • Feet in shoes or boots.
  • If a lot of Xylene vapor escapes and the work area lacks ventilation, you should use oxygen or compressed air.

7. Measures to handle problems caused by C8H10

7.1. Case of Xylene leak into the environment

  • When xylene leaks, absolutely do not use electrical equipment to avoid electric discharge and explosion.
  • If there is a chemical leak around the area, immediately extinguish it and remove potentially explosive equipment and objects from the area.
  • Evacuate people from the area and clear the air where C8H10 is leaking.
  • Use sand or soil to cover the spilled liquid, wait until it is completely absorbed, then collect it and store it in a labeled container. Move to another area to reuse. If the amount of Xylene leaks too much, it needs to be placed in specialized rescue containers.

7.2. In case of fire

  • Use sand, carbon dioxide, and dry chemical powder for small fires.
  • For large fires, use absorbent foam to extinguish the fire.
  • Absolutely do not use water sprinklers to put out fires, to avoid the case of Xylene spreading, seeping into water and causing an explosion.

7.3. In case the body comes into direct contact with Xylene solvent

Use protective gear when coming into contact with Xylene

Use protective gear when coming into contact with C8H10

  • In case of splashing on the body or contact with skin: Need to remove clothing contaminated with chemicals immediately use clean water to wash the skin area contaminated with chemicals, or soap if available.
  • In case of eye splashes: Immediately rinse eyes with clean water and see a doctor if symptoms such as inflammation or poisoning occur.
  • In case of inhalation of C8H10 vapor: Move the victim to a well-ventilated area, perform artificial respiration before taking to the nearest medical facility if the victim stops breathing.
  • In case of accidentally swallowing C8H10 solvent: Stimulate the victim to vomit immediately and take him to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.
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8. Where to buy quality Xylene solvent at good prices in Hanoi?

Because the demand for using Xylene solvent is very large, it is an important raw material and ingredient for many manufacturing industries, so on the market today, this product is sold a lot. However, for profit purposes, many establishments import products of unknown origin and poor quality to sell to users. To ensure your own benefits, before buying Xylene solvent, you need to carefully research where the products are sold with guaranteed quality and price.

Currently, Meraki Center Kim Nguu Chemical and Equipment Import-Export Joint Stock Company is providing high-quality Xylene solvent, with outstanding quality, imported directly from famous brands in the world such as Merk-Germany,. ..

  • When buying products at Meraki Center, you will receive the best prices on the market, especially when buying in large quantities.
  • Besides, we also have policies to support shipping and delivery, ensuring accurate and fast delivery times.

Hopefully through the above article, readers will understand more about what xylene solvent is? properties and applications of xylene in production. If customers want to learn more about the products as well as place an order, please visit the company's official website vietchem.com.vn or contact directly with HOTLINE number 0826 010 010 for advice and quotes. earliest.

9. Frequently asked questions

What is Xylene?

Xylene is an organic compound belonging to the group of aromatic hydrocarbons with the chemical formula C8H10. It is a colorless liquid, insoluble in water, has a characteristic odor and is flammable. Xylene usually occurs as a mixture of three main isomers: ortho-xylene (o-xylene), meta-xylene (m-xylene) and para-xylene (p-xylene).

Is xylene an aromatic gasoline?

Xylene is not a gasoline, however, it is one of the main ingredients in gasoline. Aromatic gasoline is a type of gasoline with a higher octane index than regular gasoline, used to increase engine performance, clean dust and prevent rust in the fuel system. In addition to xylene, gasoline also contains other compounds such as toluene, ethylbenzene, styrene, cumene, etc.

Is Xylene toxic?

Xylene is toxic to humans and the environment. Exposure to xylene can cause many health problems, such as:

Impact on the nervous system: C8H10 has the ability to rapidly absorb, pass through the respiratory tract and be absorbed into the blood. Exposure to C8H10 can cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, headaches, fatigue, memory loss, and even central nervous system damage if long-term exposure or high concentrations are present.

Effects on the respiratory system: Breathing airborne xylene can irritate the respiratory tract and cause symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing, and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract.

Effects on skin and eyes: Xylene is a skin and eye irritant, causing dermatitis, eye redness and itching if directly exposed.

Environmental impact: C8H10 can cause environmental pollution, especially when emitted from industrial or traffic sources.

How many structures does C8H10 contain that contain benzene rings?

C8H10 has 4 structures containing benzene rings

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